Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ten Pounds!

My pal Barb and I decided to lose weight after our trip to New York. We really didn't eat too much, we didn't need to, we or I was already a few (ahem) pounds overweight. My goal, before the E2E trip is a whopping 30 lbs. That way the horse doesn't need to be a levithan. Horses should only carry 20% of their body weight, so if I get a 1,000 lb horse, that's 200 lbs of me, tack and gear. If I lose 30 lbs that's more room for brownies.

SO, I just lost my first 10 lbs! Yippee! The next 20 are going to be hard, hard, hard. They are entrenched. Remember when I weighed 115 only a few, well, 15 years back? Twenty? O.K. so it was 25! It's genetic! See! Here's a photo (the only one I have) of my maternal grandmother, Beatrice Hawes. My father's mother was skinnier than a rake, and my dad, slender. But the Hawes have it on this one. I never met my British Grandma Hawes, but hope to learn more about the family on the E2E trip.

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