Monday, May 4, 2009

Made It

Here I sit in my Gatwick Hotel, which is all and all, quite nice. Out in the country a bit and not under the flight path though one can see the airport from here. Landed over an hour early; quite a tail wind coming over evidently. Landed at, what for me was, 12 midnight, so didn't sleep much on the way over, although I fell into a sound sleep out of SLC! Got to the hotel by 9 a.m. UK and promptly passed out. Awoke to a mild panic--WHAT in the hell am I doing!? Away from all my wonderful friends and lovely home for 4 months!? I must have been insane!

Went for a walk along a public footpath through the hedgerows with the rabbits, geese, ducks and blooming spring wildflowers and felt much better. The first person to greet me was the lovely bay gelding in the pasture next to the hotel. (For Walk Photos, go to Links to your left, and click on Photos).

Came back to the worst splitting headache I've had in years--too much cramped sitting, I think; inadequate neck management (Wish I'd taken Fae up on that massage). Drank shandy and watched my first rugby game in the faux pub downstairs, had a bite to eat.

Watched The Time Machine (H.G. Wells) on tv which I've never gotten around to reading--it was interestinly good, and slept all night. Awoke at 5:30 (that's a first) feeling refreshed. Need a shower bad.

Meet today with Lia at Hacking Horses just down the road to talk about having her sell Midnight at ride's end. I already don't want to sell her, but feel I need to make the necessary arrangements. I have a feeling someone along the route may want to keep Midnight, but I told her last owner that I planned to work with Lia, whom he knew of and was comfortable with (as am I) so will begin as I said I would.

I know this will sound silly, well maybe not to this group, but what brought on the panic was twofold: one: thinking that Bo would think I've left her--we've never been apart in 14 years for more than a month at the most, so those of you there please go by and give her a pat and tell her I'll be back!! And two, having had such a fantastic sendoff! Lynne, Bill and Kathleen for dinner; Barby; the benefit with Fae and Michelle; talking with Liz; a wonderful day with Teresa and Hal--I felt like royalty!! (which of course we know I am--but still...) But, I convinced myself all will be well because I have Midnight and the amazing Vyv and fantastic Kate yet to meet! And more people I don't even know about yet.

I do have amazing friends and I hope you know that about yourselves--you are all fantastic people! I could not do this without you--If I didn't know you were there I'd just curl up in a little ball and blow away. So thank you once again. A journey far from home begins with the support of friends.

Love to you all,

Your wayward friend,

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