Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cold, very wet and cold--did I already say that? Sun is out a bit today, but WINDY! Geesch! Who's idea was Scotland in May!!??

Anyway, staying with my new friend Vyv Wood-Gee who is a force of nature in herself, and an abolsute wonder. I do believe we were spilled from the same pod. We do similar work, so are both sitting here writing on our computers while the weather blows outside. We have meant to go riding the last two days, but just couldn't stand the weather. That's bad when a Scot can't stand the weather! Having a great time, and when I finally finish the *&^% Zion book I'm still working on, will throw myself a party. Should be training my new, beautiful horse, but the weather's not really behind it, so good time to be working inside.

Have been trying to atone for being a bother to Vyv by bottle feeding an orphaned lamb, entertaining her new malamute puppy (seriously cute), and only getting on the internet when she's out tending some other animal (as now). Loving every minute of being here, although constantly having to say, "What?" or "Wot?" as they say here, as I don't know what certain words mean and other times I just miss the pronounciation.

Vyv and I will ride a few days together next week on a ride down into England and back. Can't wait, though if I don't get out and ride Midnight (also, we discovered, called Moon Shadow on her horse passport) she won't be ready (nor will my butt). Will post photos on the blog soon--just need to work a bit first. The official long-distance ride begins in June after Mid-moon-night-shadow and I toughen up abit.

Just went for my first walk/trot on Midnight. An absolute pleasure! She really walks out, has a lovely trot, and is quite sensible on the road. She and Vyv's Fell Pony mare got into a kicking match today wherein each put serious hoofprints on each other's butts. Midnight got a good cut on her flank, but luckily it only ripped out hair and tore the skin in two small places. Imagine she'll be stiff tomorrow.

Vyv's as yet unnamed puppy chewed through my computer's electric cord so will have to replace it post haste as the battery doesn't last long. Ah, the traumas of traveling. More soon. xo G

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