Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Tale of Whoa

After encountering insurmountable difficulties and being caught in an uncomfortable situation, I decided, after a long and agonizing ten days in Scotland, not to do the End to End Ride this year. I returned to Utah May 16, and am still in shock, as I imagine you are.

I realized I was not prepared to complete the ride safely for the lovely Midnight or myself. I had all the right gear and the perfect horse, but I did not feel I could put together a safe and careful route in the time I had, and so decided to postpone the ride until next year.

I've been planning this trip so long it was very difficult to give up when I was so close. I will keep Midnight in anticipation of next year's re-attempt, and hope to lease her to someone in England this year.

Sharon Hatfield tells me the Marines have never retreated--they've only advanced in the opposite direction. So that's what I'm doing: advancing by learning from what's happened.

I wanted to let you know of my decision because you have been so amazingly generous to me. I appreciate your support, help, and encourangement through what for me has been an extremely difficult decision and period. Sincerely, Greer

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cold, very wet and cold--did I already say that? Sun is out a bit today, but WINDY! Geesch! Who's idea was Scotland in May!!??

Anyway, staying with my new friend Vyv Wood-Gee who is a force of nature in herself, and an abolsute wonder. I do believe we were spilled from the same pod. We do similar work, so are both sitting here writing on our computers while the weather blows outside. We have meant to go riding the last two days, but just couldn't stand the weather. That's bad when a Scot can't stand the weather! Having a great time, and when I finally finish the *&^% Zion book I'm still working on, will throw myself a party. Should be training my new, beautiful horse, but the weather's not really behind it, so good time to be working inside.

Have been trying to atone for being a bother to Vyv by bottle feeding an orphaned lamb, entertaining her new malamute puppy (seriously cute), and only getting on the internet when she's out tending some other animal (as now). Loving every minute of being here, although constantly having to say, "What?" or "Wot?" as they say here, as I don't know what certain words mean and other times I just miss the pronounciation.

Vyv and I will ride a few days together next week on a ride down into England and back. Can't wait, though if I don't get out and ride Midnight (also, we discovered, called Moon Shadow on her horse passport) she won't be ready (nor will my butt). Will post photos on the blog soon--just need to work a bit first. The official long-distance ride begins in June after Mid-moon-night-shadow and I toughen up abit.

Just went for my first walk/trot on Midnight. An absolute pleasure! She really walks out, has a lovely trot, and is quite sensible on the road. She and Vyv's Fell Pony mare got into a kicking match today wherein each put serious hoofprints on each other's butts. Midnight got a good cut on her flank, but luckily it only ripped out hair and tore the skin in two small places. Imagine she'll be stiff tomorrow.

Vyv's as yet unnamed puppy chewed through my computer's electric cord so will have to replace it post haste as the battery doesn't last long. Ah, the traumas of traveling. More soon. xo G

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hlw Agn (Welsh for Hello Again)

Hi! Or Hy (if you must use a vowel),

Once again have internet (for the rest of the day at least!). Had a fun day today watching the Green Man battle the Ice Queen (thank god the Green Man won as it was freezing at the time) at the Green Man Festival in Clun, Shropshire. Photos at 10. No, actually photos will be on Picasa. Click under the LINK column to the left on Photos.

Now back in the warm B&B drinking tea and using the internet to catch up. They've only had internet one week here so are quite excited, as am I.

I am wondering when the British lost the coffee gene. I actually have a theory on this: it is so cold and damp here so often that one wants to drink something hot most of the time, so, rather than get totally blitzed on coffee, or totally fat on "hot drinking chocolate," they drink tea (which I can drink all day to no real affect--as I am right now).

Went to dinner last night at The Boar's Head in Bishop's Castle with a lovely couple from Lincolnshire (they had a car--so forced myself to ask for a ride). Quite fun! Carvery(s) are the big thing here now, so they say, so have been eating roast something every night. Gammon? Had roast gammon, whatever the hell that is, roast pork, roast lamb. Yummy. I imagine it's because no one has time to cook at home any more, and all the grannies are dying off. Had lunch at the Methodist Church served by old ladies who made the cakes from scratch (for the holiday). It really made me smile. They were quite flustered by the "rush" of three people at once. I'll bet they know how to cook a roast.

Anyway, Clun quite lovely in the Clun Valley next to the River Clun (not an abundance of names here--Clunton just down the road). But this close to Wales, a simple, pronounceable name is welcome. The train from Gatwick passed through Wales on the way here; all signs were in Welsh as were the train announcements (later translated to English as if to rub it in). One really doesn't need vowels unless one was taught to read using them. When you hear the name pronounced, it makes sense, but reading you just scratch your head.

Overcast, drizzling, windy and cold today. The Ice Queen's death throes (let's hope). Before long I'll be complaining of the heat. Has been warm and sunny till today. People tell me they are due a warm summer so are hoping this one will be it.

Staying at a B&B (Clun Farmhouse) that accepts horses, AND the owner's then 70-year-old father rode End to End in 1990. TOO amazing. Talk about coincidence!! There's a plaque on the wall commemorating the event: he rode 1300 miles in 39 days and never even threw a shoe (that's 35 miles a day if you're counting), on a horse named was Sue Ellen. He wrote a short book about the ride, so copied that and read it yesterday (between falling uncontrollably asleep!). I thought I was over the jetlag, but whenever I come to a stop, I fall asleep. Quite embarrassing.

Off to Lockerbie by train tomorrow. Nearest place to "hire" a car is halfway there, so will be training. Going to meet pal Vyv and horse-pal Midnight. Dreamed of Marion (my cat) last night--I realized I hadn't seen her for a couple days and, panicking, ran around the house frantically yelling her name. Awoke very tired. I think I might be able to stay awake the entire day today--a first.

More soon!

Made It

Here I sit in my Gatwick Hotel, which is all and all, quite nice. Out in the country a bit and not under the flight path though one can see the airport from here. Landed over an hour early; quite a tail wind coming over evidently. Landed at, what for me was, 12 midnight, so didn't sleep much on the way over, although I fell into a sound sleep out of SLC! Got to the hotel by 9 a.m. UK and promptly passed out. Awoke to a mild panic--WHAT in the hell am I doing!? Away from all my wonderful friends and lovely home for 4 months!? I must have been insane!

Went for a walk along a public footpath through the hedgerows with the rabbits, geese, ducks and blooming spring wildflowers and felt much better. The first person to greet me was the lovely bay gelding in the pasture next to the hotel. (For Walk Photos, go to Links to your left, and click on Photos).

Came back to the worst splitting headache I've had in years--too much cramped sitting, I think; inadequate neck management (Wish I'd taken Fae up on that massage). Drank shandy and watched my first rugby game in the faux pub downstairs, had a bite to eat.

Watched The Time Machine (H.G. Wells) on tv which I've never gotten around to reading--it was interestinly good, and slept all night. Awoke at 5:30 (that's a first) feeling refreshed. Need a shower bad.

Meet today with Lia at Hacking Horses just down the road to talk about having her sell Midnight at ride's end. I already don't want to sell her, but feel I need to make the necessary arrangements. I have a feeling someone along the route may want to keep Midnight, but I told her last owner that I planned to work with Lia, whom he knew of and was comfortable with (as am I) so will begin as I said I would.

I know this will sound silly, well maybe not to this group, but what brought on the panic was twofold: one: thinking that Bo would think I've left her--we've never been apart in 14 years for more than a month at the most, so those of you there please go by and give her a pat and tell her I'll be back!! And two, having had such a fantastic sendoff! Lynne, Bill and Kathleen for dinner; Barby; the benefit with Fae and Michelle; talking with Liz; a wonderful day with Teresa and Hal--I felt like royalty!! (which of course we know I am--but still...) But, I convinced myself all will be well because I have Midnight and the amazing Vyv and fantastic Kate yet to meet! And more people I don't even know about yet.

I do have amazing friends and I hope you know that about yourselves--you are all fantastic people! I could not do this without you--If I didn't know you were there I'd just curl up in a little ball and blow away. So thank you once again. A journey far from home begins with the support of friends.

Love to you all,

Your wayward friend,